A fast and easy way to change the mtu of any adapter such as wlan0 for wifi , and other adapters such as ccmni0, ccmni1, ccmni2, ip6tnl0, lo,sit0, tunl0.the adapters mtu values will be saved. How to know the mtu size of android smartphone. ask question. up vote 7 down vote favorite. 2. any command to know the mtu size of android? android mtu. is there a way to change android phone's mtu size? related. 1996. is there a way to run python on android? 2319. saving android activity state using save instance state.. This is a discussion on change mtu alterar mtu android, android change mtu, android mtu, android mtu change, android mtu setting, android mtu size, android set mtu, android set mtu size, change mtu android, how to change mtu on android, how to find mtu on xoom,.
I looked around but didn’t find a connman setting to change mtu in their documentation. you can change it on the fly using sudo ifconfig wlan0 mtu 1200, where 1200 is obviously the mtu size you want. to confirm it worked, do an ifconfig wlan0 | grep -i mtu and look at the mtu number.. Need help with mtu settings. discussion in 'droid bionic hacks' started by reminon, jan 20, 2012. reminon member joined: jun 11, 2010 messages: 64 android change mtu, android mtu, android mtu setting, android mtu size, change mtu android, droid bionic mtu, how to change mtu on galaxy s4,. How do i change mtu settings? i have a motorola triumph and a thrive, and they're both rooted, and i have a rom from here that enables ad-hoc on the thrive for wifi tethering. i finally got this all set up today and when i tether to the triumph i can only view google owned sites like youtube and google..
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