Android: limiting edittext to numbers. ask question. up vote 12 down vote favorite. limit text length of edittext in android. 723. place cursor at the end of text in edittext. 3242. proper use cases for android usermanager.isuseragoat()? hot network questions. Is there a way to define a min and max value for edittext in android? ask question. set your edittext with android:inputtype="number". thanks. share | improve this answer. how to fix minimum and maximum value in double value for edit text in android? 1. android: edittext with max decimal and max number. I'm getting a warning that "android:password" is deprecated and that i should use inputtype instead. is there a way to specify inputtype as number and password? android android-widget.
An editorinfo describes several attributes of a text editing object that an input method is communicating with (typically an edittext), most importantly the type of text content it contains and the current cursor position.. A edittext is an overlay over textview that configures itself to be editable. it is the predefined subclass of textview that includes rich editing capabilities. styles of edit text edittext attributes. following are the important attributes related to edittext control.. Android edittext with number format input some applications require formatting the edittext 's value while typing. i.e., a number that needs to be formatted with decimal and thousands separators..
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